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When Do Grey Squirrels And Red Squirrels Have Babies in Ontario?

Writer: Brampton Wildlife Control Inc.Brampton Wildlife Control Inc.

Updated: Nov 3, 2024


When it's a seasonably warm winter, squirrel babies can be born early, so in February it's important to monitor from inside and outside for signals from a potential mother squirrel if you recently had a wildlife removal service at your home and no babies were detected

March is when we require attic inspections to look for the squirrel nest to inspect for babies..


  • **Gray Squirrel typically have **two breeding periods per year: one in early spring and another in late summer or early fall. The first breeding season usually occurs between February and April, while the second baby season for squirrels in Ontario takes place between July and September. The gestation period for grey squirrels is around 44 days, female squirrels produce litters of 2 to 5 babies.

  • *Red Squirrels 'usually' only *one breeding period in late winter or early spring. They mate in February or March, and the gestation period for red squirrels is approximately 31 days. The young are usually born in litters of 3 to 7 babies.

The Second Round Of Baby Squirrels in Brampton, Late Summer To Early Fall
The Second Round Of Baby Squirrels in Brampton: Late Summer To Early Fall

Are you curious about when grey squirrels and red squirrels have their adorable little babies in Ontario? These furry creatures are a common sight in many parts of the province, and understanding squirrel facts and their reproductive habits can offer fascinating insights into wild animals and their life cycle.

In this article, we will explore the timing of squirrel breeding seasons, providing you with valuable information about when you can expect to see cute squirrel babies scampering around the trees. So, let's dive in and discover the world of grey squirrels and red squirrels in Ontario!


Grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) have different breeding seasons in Ontario, Canada.

  • Gray Squirrel - Typically have two breeding periods per year: one in early spring and another in late summer or early fall. The first breeding season usually occurs between February and April, while the second one takes place between July and September. The gestation period for grey squirrels is around 44 days, female squirrels produce litters of 2 to 5 babies.

  • Red squirrels have only one breeding in late winter or early spring. They mate in February or March, and the gestation period for red squirrels is approximately 31 days. The young are usually born in litters of 3 to 7 babies.

It's important to note that these breeding seasons are approximate and that breeding periods can vary depending on factors such as climate and availability of food. Additionally, individual squirrels may have variations in their reproductive cycles.

Squirrel Removal in Brampton
Squirrel Removal in Brampton

Gray Squirrel Breeding Season in Ontario

Mating Behaviour of grey Squirrels

  • Grey squirrels in Ontario typically mate twice a year, once in early spring and again in late summer or early fall. During the mating season, male gray squirrels become more active and engage in chasing and courtship behaviours to attract females. This can often be observed as young male squirrels make acrobatic displays of jumping and chasing between the trees.

Gestation Period of Gray Squirrels

After successful mating, female gray squirrels experience a gestation period of approximately 44 days. This period is relatively short compared to some other mammals. The pregnant grey squirrel/s prepare nests, known as dreys, usually located high up in trees, where they will give birth to their young.

How Many Babies Do Squirrels Have? Birth and Care of Grey Squirrel Babies

In Ontario, grey baby squirrels, also known as kits, are born from April to May during the first breeding season eastern grey squirrel, and from August to September during the second breeding season. A litter typically consists of 2 to 5 kits, and they are born hairless, blind, and completely dependent on their mother for survival.

The mother gray squirrel diligently cares for her newborns, providing warmth, protection, and milk. As the kits grow, they develop fur, open their eyes, and start venturing out of the nest. However, they still rely on their mother for nourishment and guidance until they become independent at around 10 to 12 weeks old.

Raccoon Removal in Brampton
Raccoon Removal in Brampton

Red Squirrel Breeding Season in Ontario

Mating Behaviour of Red Squirrels

Red squirrels in Ontario have a more prolonged breeding season compared to eastern gray squirrel buts. They mate from late winter to early summer, with a peak in activity during late winter and early spring. Male red squirrels establish territories in mature trees and engage in vocal and physical displays to attract females.

Gestation Period of Red Squirrels

After successful mating, female red squirrels have a gestation period of approximately 35 days. The shorter gestation period allows them to have multiple litters in the baby season in a single year if conditions are favourable. However, they typically have one litter in early spring and occasionally a second litter in late summer.

How Many Babies Do Squirrels Have? Birth and Care of Baby Red Squirrels

Red squirrel babies, also called kittens or pups, are born from April to May during the primary breeding season. A litter usually consists of 3 to 7 kittens, and they are born blind, hairless, and completely reliant on their mother. The mother red squirrel provides round-the-clock care, nursing, grooming, and protecting her offspring.

As the kittens grow, they become more active and start exploring the surroundings. At around 10 weeks old, they are weaned and begin to forage for food independently. However, they may stay close to their mother's territory until they establish their own.

Bird Removal Brampton
Bird Removal Brampton

Similarities and Differences between Gray and Red Squirrel Breeding Seasons

Environmental Factors Influencing Breeding Season

Both gray squirrels and red squirrels are influenced by environmental cues when it comes to their breeding seasons. Factors such as temperature, food availability, and daylight hours play a role in triggering their reproductive activity. These factors ensure that adult squirrels' babies are born when conditions are favourable for their survival and growth.

Comparison of Mating Behaviour and Gestation Period

Gray squirrels have two distinct breeding seasons, while red squirrels have a more extended breeding season with the potential for multiple litters. The gestation period of red squirrels is shorter than that of gray squirrels, allowing them to reproduce more frequently if conditions are suitable.

Care and Survival of Squirrel Offspring

Both gray and red squirrel mothers are devoted to caring for their young, providing nourishment, protection, and teaching them essential survival skills. The survival rate of baby squirrels depends on various factors, including the availability of food, shelter, and protection by mother squirrel, from predators. Baby squirrels face challenges in their early stages of life, but with their mother's guidance and support, they have a good chance of reaching adulthood.

What To Feed An Orphaned Baby Squirrel?

Baby squirrels, also known as kits or pups, have specific dietary needs to support their growth and development. While their diet expands as they mature, initially, baby squirrels primarily consume their mother's milk. However, if you happen to come across a baby squirrel that has been orphaned or separated from its mother, here's a general guideline on what to feed them:

  1. Formula: If you need to hand-feed a baby squirrel, you can use a special formula designed for small mammals like squirrels. These formulas are available at pet stores or can be obtained from wildlife rehabilitators or veterinarians. Follow the instructions provided on the formula packaging for proper preparation and feeding.

  2. Goat's milk or puppy milk replacer: In case you cannot find a specialized formula, you can try using goat's milk or a puppy milk replacer as a temporary substitute. However, it's important to note that these alternatives may not provide all the necessary nutrients baby squirrels require, so it's best to transition to a proper formula as soon as possible.

  3. The gradual introduction of solid foods: As young squirrels gradually begin to develop their teeth they will be able to eat solid food, you can start introducing softened foods such as soaked and mashed cat or dog food, baby cereal, or specially formulated squirrel diets available at pet stores. Gradually increase feeding frequency and the thickness of the food until they can eat it without needing it to be softened.

  4. Fresh fruits and vegetables: Once baby squirrels are a bit older and more independent, you can provide them with small pieces of fresh fruits and vegetables. Apples, pears, berries, carrots, and leafy greens are good options. Ensure the pieces are bite-sized and easy to chew.

Remember to provide clean water for the baby squirrels to drink as they start eating solid foods. It's essential to consult a wildlife rehabilitation specialists or veterinarian for specific guidance and proper care instructions, as they can provide tailored advice based on the age and health of the baby squirrel you are caring for.


What do Red and Grey Squirrels Eat?

Both red squirrels and grey squirrels have similar diets, but there are some differences in the types of foods they prefer. Here's an overview of what red and grey squirrels typically eat:

Red Squirrels:

  • Nuts: Red squirrels have a particular fondness for tree nuts, especially pine cones. They have adapted to efficiently extract seeds from cones.

  • Seeds: They also eat a variety of seeds from different plants, including spruce, fir, and pine trees.

  • Fungi: Red squirrels consume a significant amount of fungi, including mushrooms and truffles. Fungi provide them with essential nutrients.

  • Bark: During certain times of the year, red squirrels may nibble on tree bark, primarily to sharpen their teeth and obtain nutrients.

  • Fruits and Berries: They consume a range of fruits and berries, such as raspberries, blackberries, apples, and hazelnuts.

  • Insects: Red squirrels occasionally supplement their diet with insects, including caterpillars and beetles.

Grey Squirrels:

  • Nuts: Grey squirrels are known for their love of nuts, particularly acorns, walnuts, and hickory nuts. They have strong jaws to crack open hard shells. When a grey squirrel buries extra food they don’t always find it later which contributes to tree growth.

  • Seeds: Similar to red squirrels, grey squirrels feed on various seeds from trees like oak, maple, and pine. Bird feeders can also be a regular source of food for a hungry grey squirrel in the winter when food is scarce in urban environments. Keep in mind that squirrels like to build nests nearby their food source utilizing attics that are close.

  • Fruits and Berries: They have a broader diet when it comes to fruits and berries, consuming not only tree fruits but also berries like blackberries, strawberries, and cherries.

  • Vegetation: Grey squirrels may eat different types of vegetation, including buds, flowers, and tender shoots.

  • Insects: While nuts and seeds are their primary food sources, grey squirrels are less reliant on insects for sustenance compared to red squirrels.

It's important to note that grey squirrels are considered invasive species in many regions, as they can outcompete and displace native red squirrels. Additionally, the availability of food sources can vary depending on the location and season, influencing the diet of both red and grey squirrels.



In Ontario, gray squirrels and red squirrels have different breeding seasons that align with environmental conditions and the availability of resources. Gray squirrels mate twice a year, giving birth in spring and fall, while red squirrels have a more extended breeding season, with the potential for multiple litters. Both species exhibit remarkable care and dedication to their offspring, ensuring their survival and successful transition to adulthood.

If you're lucky, you might spot these adorable red and grey squirrels with babies during the designated breeding seasons in Ontario. Remember to appreciate these little marvels of nature while respecting their habitat and allowing them to thrive in their natural environment.



  1. Q: Do gray and red squirrels have the same number of babies? A: No, gray squirrels typically have litters of 2 to 5 kits, while red squirrels usually have litters of 3 to 7 kittens.

  2. Q: How long do baby squirrels stay with their mothers? A: Grey baby squirrel stay with their mothers until they are around 10 to 12 weeks old and become independent.

  3. Q: Can gray squirrels and red squirrels interbreed? A: While gray squirrels and red squirrels are closely related, they belong to different species and do not interbreed.

  4. Q: How long does it take for baby squirrels to open their eyes? A: Squirrel babies typically open their eyes when they are around 3 to 4 weeks old.

  5. Q: Are gray squirrels and red squirrels found in other provinces besides Ontario? A: Yes, both gray squirrels and red squirrels have a wide distribution across Canada and can be found in various provinces.

Wildlife Removal Brampton
Wildlife Removal Brampton

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