Rabbits are cute, furry creatures that can be a delight to watch from afar, and many people even keep pet rabbits, but when wild rabbits start munching on your plants, they can quickly become a nuisance. Rabbits are known for their voracious appetites and can quickly devour your precious plants, leaving you with nothing but a mess. If you're struggling with a rabbit infestation in your vegetable garden, don't worry. In this article, we'll give you some tips and tricks on how to get rid of rabbits in the garden.
Understanding Rabbits and their Behaviour
Identifying Rabbits in Your Yard - Are rabbits ruining through your property and destroying your greenery? It can be hard to tell if rabbits are the culprit, especially with all the other critters like squirrels, skunks and raccoons in your area that also like the munch on plants and veggies. But here are a few signs that should help you identify if bunnies are responsible! Look for damage on plants - they may have an angled cut caused by nibbling- and rabbit droppings which look like small black beans gathered together. If you're lucky enough, maybe even find oval shaped footprints indicating four toes at the front and five at their backside or chewed branches near where vegetation has been damaged.
Why Do Rabbits Like Your Garden? - With luscious vegetation, a cozy location near wooded areas and fragrant scents from those green plants, your flower and vegetable garden may be far more inviting to rabbits than the neighbours. Plus if easy access is available with gaps in fencing or other barriers then hopping bunnies have all they need for dinner!
When are Rabbits Most Active in the Garden? - Gardeners must stay vigilant to keep rabbits away, as these furry pests can be active at any time of the day or night. Motion-activated sprinklers and repellents are a great defence if they're used around the clock - especially during their two favourite meals times: sunrise and sunset! However, it's just as important to pay attention throughout each 24 hour period since rabbits may prefer different hours in your particular area.

The Lifecycle Of Wild Rabbits
Birth: In late winter or early spring, wild rabbits in Canada emerge from underground burrows that their mothers have lovingly crafted for them. After a gestation period of around four weeks, each mother brings forth her brood - litters can range from one to twelve kits! At birth these infants are almost boundless bundles of potential; blind and weighting only a few ounces yet full with promise for the life ahead.
Growth: Following the birth of her litter, a mother rabbit nourishes and nurtures them for just under one month. Starting from helpless newborns with sparse fur and little sight, these kits rapidly transform into adventurous explorers in that short time. By 3-4 weeks old they bravely venture outside their burrow while still relying heavily on mom to keep them safe throughout this exciting stage of growth!
Maturity: In just a few short months, rabbit kits make the jump from helpless newborns to wild and independent foragers. Although their life expectancy in the Canadian wilderness might be limited to between one and two years, rabbits that have been domesticated can expect much longer lifespans of five or six years.
Reproduction: Rabbits are renowned for their speedy reproductive abilities, with some species having the potential to produce up to 40 babies in just one year! Typically breeding between March and September each season, mature rabbits can generate multiple batches of offspring annually.
Canada is home to an abundance of wild rabbits, whose populations are able to grow and expand quickly due to their impressive reproductive rates. These furry critters can be found in a variety of habitats throughout the nation!
What To Do If You Find Baby Rabbits While Cutting The Grass
Rabbit Rescue Brampton Tips
If you find baby rabbits while cutting the grass in Brampton, there are a few steps you can take to ensure their safety:
Leave Them Be: Baby rabbits, also known as kits, are often left alone by their mother for most of the day. This is a natural behaviour to avoid drawing attention to the nest. If you can, leave the area undisturbed and avoid touching the kits.
Observe from a Distance: If you're concerned about the kits' well-being, you can observe them from a distance to see if their mother returns to care for them. Mother rabbits usually feed their young during the night and early morning.
Protect the Area: If you're worried about the safety of the kits due to predators or other disturbances, you can place a small barrier, such as a laundry basket or a crate with some openings for ventilation, over the nest. Make sure the barrier is light enough for the mother rabbit to easily lift it to access her young.
Avoid Touching: It's important not to handle the baby rabbits unless absolutely necessary. The scent of humans on the kits can sometimes lead the mother to abandon them.
Contact Wildlife Rehabilitates: If you believe the kits are in danger, injured, or their mother has been absent for an extended period, you can contact local wildlife rehabilitates for advice. They can provide guidance on whether intervention is necessary and offer assistance if needed.
Keep Pets Away: If you have pets, such as dogs or cats, make sure to keep them away from the area to avoid disturbing the kits or causing harm.
Remember that wildlife should generally be left alone whenever possible. The mother rabbit is best equipped to care for her young, and intervening too soon can do more harm than good. If you're unsure about the situation, contacting a wildlife professional or local animal control for advice can be a good course of action.
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Rabbits in the Garden:
Plant Rabbit-Repellent Plants - Keep rabbits away from your yard and attract pollinators like bees and butterflies with these two plants - marigolds and lavender. Marigolds have a strong, unpleasant scent for rabbits that quickly sends them on their way while the delicate fragrance of Lavender helps to appeal to the skies' gentle helpers. This natural repellent is no match made in heaven but still important when paired with other deterrent methods such as fencing or netting!
Create Physical Barriers - Protect your plants and yard from pesky rabbits by creating physical barriers. Use a fence that is at least 2 feet high with the bottom buried 6 inches deep; adding wire mesh or chicken wire to block any possible squeezing through points of entry. Give targeted plants extra protection in cages constructed specifically for them using two foot tall chicken wire. For an alternative solution, build raised garden beds where rabbits can't jump into them!
Utilize Natural Predators - Keeping rabbits away from your yard doesn't have to involve harsh, damaging chemicals. Utilizing natural predators is an effective and safe way to deter pests that won’t cause long-term damage to the environment. Step one? Identify which predators live in your neighbourhood - hawks, owls, foxes, coyotes and cats are some common ones known for feasting on these furry critters! To ensure they visit regularly you can provide a suitable habitat by planting native plants featuring water sources with brush piles as shelter. With this simple yet powerful method of pest control there's no need worry about environmental harm whilst keeping those pesky bunnies at bay!
Use Natural Deterrents - Protect your garden or yard from pesky rabbits with these natural solutions! Spice up the area with hot peppers, such as jalapeños and cayenne; ward away those bunnies using garlic and onions to create a strong scent barrier. If you want something extra-strong - pick up some predator urine like coyote pee for an added layer of protection. Now you can rejoice knowing that cute little bunnies won't be nibbling on your plants any longer!
Spread Natural Rabbit Repellents - Keep rabbits away from your property by applying natural deterrents around the perimeter and in areas where they are likely to engage with them. For example, consider placing repellents along fences, garden beds or lawn edges - particularly at evening or morning when these furry critters tend to be most active! Reapplying after rain is key for long-term
effectiveness of such methods.
Rabbit-Proofing Your Garden:
Fencing - If you're looking for an effective way to keep bunnies from munching on your plants, the type of fencing material matters. It should be sturdy enough so they won't break it down and tall enough that their little legs can't leap over the top. Plus make sure you plant it deep in order to stop them hopping underneath! A chicken wire fence is a common option because of its affordability but may require reinforcing or replacing regularly due to lack of strength; whereas welded wire and hardware cloth-found at most home improvement stores - offers more durability while still keeping within budget. If neither takes your fancy there are plenty of other hardware solutions available which may suit better depending on what critters inhabit local foliage!
Covering Plants - Protecting plants in your yard from hungry rabbits doesn't have to be a struggle. Create an unappealing barrier with plastic mesh covers, burlap fabric or chicken wire – all easily accessible materials found at most home improvement stores and sure to discourage those pesky critters! Re-useable season after season, these simple solutions can keep gardens flourishing without the worry of nibbling visitors.
Elevated Gardening - Elevated gardening is the perfect solution for green-thumbs who don't have access to a traditional garden. Raised beds or containers bring plants up off the ground, allowing for more control over soil quality and drainage as well as expanding possibilities beyond backyard gardens - elevated gardening can even be done on balconies and rooftops! Not only that, it's also easier on your back and knees than bending down in dirt; making harvesting much less of a strain. Plus its space saving capabilities make it ideal for those with limited outdoor areas such as apartments or small yards.
Chemical and Electronic Rabbit Deterrents:
Rabbit Repellent Sprays - Get rid of pesky rabbits before they ruin your vegetables and plants, try out a rabbit repellent spray! These effective sprays use natural ingredients like garlic, cayenne pepper or essential oils to create an unpleasant scent and taste that deters pests. You can also opt for chemical compounds like capsaicin from hot peppers or thiram - a fungicide with a bitter taste - if you’re looking for extra protection. Just remember to read the instructions carefully on each packaging since some products may need more frequent reapplication than others. Test it in small area first just in case!
Ultrasonic Rabbit Repellers - Protecting your yard or yard from pesky rabbits can be a challenge, but some people try an uncommon solution: ultrasonic repellers. These devices emit high-frequency sound waves intended to drive away small animals like rabbits - although the jury is still out on how effective they really are! Recent research suggests that it may not take long for rabbit populations to become accustomed and ignore these special sonic deterrents; in addition, environmental obstacles such as distance between the device and target area can greatly reduce their effectiveness. If you decide to use one of these tools, make sure follow all instructions carefully so maximize its potential impact!
Motion-Activated Sprinklers - Protect your yard with the power of motion-activated sprinklers! This environmentally friendly option detect movement and then shoot off a burst of water, startling any intruding rabbits away. While it may not work for all situations, these ingenious devices provide both visual and physical deterrents against pesky critters without risking harm to nature or yourself. Keep those furry pests at bay - try out a motion activated sprinkler today!
What are the best plants to repel rabbits?
Marigolds - Rabbits dislike the smell of marigolds and tend to avoid them.
Lavender - The strong scent of lavender can help keep rabbits away.
Catnip - While cats love catnip, rabbits tend to avoid it due to its strong odour.
Garlic - Planting garlic around the perimeter of your yard can help repel rabbits.
Onions - Like garlic, rabbits tend to stay away from onions due to their pungent smell.
Daffodils - Rabbits find daffodils unpalatable, so planting them can help deter rabbits from your garden.
Sage - The strong scent of sage can help repel rabbits, so planting it in your garden can be a good idea.
How high should a rabbit-proof fence be?
If you're looking to keep rabbits out of your garden or yard, be sure to look for a fence that stands tall! Experts suggest having one that is at least 2-3 feet in height and even higher if you live where rabbit populations are high. Make the structure resilient by installing it six inches deep into the ground with an overhang on top so those pesky critters can't jump their way through - only then will your plants remain safe from harm's bunny invasion!
Can human hair or blood meal &Irish Spring Soap repel rabbits?
When it comes to keeping rabbits away from your prized garden or yard, there are more proven wild animal control solutions than relying on the unverified claim that soap and hair may have a repellent effect. Fences and plants designed for deterring rabbits can be deployed with far greater success - not to mention commercial repellents designed specifically for this purpose! However, if you do choose the unconventional route of using human hair or Irish Spring as an attempt at rabbit repelling, beware: Aside from being ineffective in preventing raids by these prolific critters, handling large quantities of such material could prove troublesome...and potentially attract other unwelcome visitors.
How long do I need to keep rabbit repellents in my garden?
To keep rabbits away, you'll need to be proactive in using repellents. Physical barriers such as fences work well for longer term prevention, but sprays and granules require more frequent reapplication - often every few weeks or after a heavy rainstorm. Fortunately, these processes don't have to involve harsh chemicals; natural deterrents like planting rabbit-resistant plants or introducing predator urine can also provide reliable protection against pests if properly maintained over time!
Are Wild Rabbits Dangerous To People & Pets?
Wild rabbits might appear harmless and can be quite endearing, but it is important to remember that they are still wild animals. Taking the proper precautions when encountering one - such as keeping an eye on or leashing pets who may see them as prey - will help ensure everyone's safety. Additionally, although uncommon, contact with infected rabbit droppings has been known to transmit diseases like tularemia in humans; taking preventive measures against this should also be considered.
How To Recognize The 5 Species of Hares and Rabbits in Canada
Canada is home to five species of hares and rabbits: the Arctic hare, Snowshoe hare, Black-tailed jackrabbit, White-tailed jackrabbit, and Eastern cottontail rabbit. Here's how to recognize each species:
Arctic hare - The Arctic hare is Canada's largest species of hare and can be found in the incredible northernmost reaches of our country. With its thick, white fur helping it to blend into its icy surroundings, coupled with enormous furry paws for navigating through snow - this creature truly looks like a fantastical animal from a winter wonderland!
Snowshoe hare - The camouflaged Snowshoe hare is an expert at hiding from predators. Found throughout Canada, these species are easily recognizable by their large snowshoe-like hind feet and vibrant brown fur during summertime
that changes to white for the winter months so they can remain undetected in their snowy environment. With long ears and short tails, these cuddly creatures wittingly stay out of sight!
Black-tailed jackrabbit - The western Canadian prairies and grasslands are the home of a fascinating creature; the Black-tailed jackrabbit. With its distinctively long ears and legs, as well as greyish brown fur highlighted by an impressive black tip on its tail, this species is sure to capture your attention!
White-tailed jackrabbit - The White-tailed jackrabbit hops and streaks across the rolling grasslands of Canada, with its signature long ears and powerful legs propelling it forward. Its coat is a brownish gray hue but stands out against the landscape thanks to its bright white tail that flashes when in motion..
Eastern cottontail rabbit - The Eastern cottontail rabbit is a fluffy, brown friend that can be found in southern Canada. With their iconic white bellies and signature cotton ball-like tails, these charming critters are sure to bring joy to any backyard!
It's important to note that all of these species can be found in different parts of Canada and may have variations in appearance depending on their location.
Who Do You Call For Wild Rabbit & Pet Rabbit Issues In Brampton?
City Animal Services - Looking for help to keep your pet rabbit hopping along? For detailed information about nutrition, housing, and medical care - consider talking with a veterinarian specializing in exotic animals. If you'd like additional assistance or resources regarding adoption, spaying/neutering, etc., reach out to local rabbit rescue organizations or humane societies that could possibly provide helpful advice on keeping happy rabbits from head-to-toe!
Brampton Wildlife Control - When your property is overrun by rabbits, birds, raccoons or other wildlife, professional help may be needed to remove them. While the cost of rabbit removal services can vary depending on multiple factors such as location and severity of infestation, typically they range from $150-500. Before making a decision it's important to compare offers
made by different wildlife companies in order to ensure you get high quality service at an affordable price - make sure that the quote includes all details regarding their method for removing bunnies!
That way you will have peace of mind knowing it is done safely and humanely with a reliable company.
Rabbits can be a serious problem for any gardener, but with a little effort, you can keep them out of your yard for good. By understanding rabbits and their behaviour, using natural methods to deter them, rabbit-proofing your yard, and using chemical and electronic deterrents, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy garden without worrying about pesky rabbits. Remember to try different methods and see what works best for your garden. With a little persistence, you can get rid of rabbits in the garden for good.